Saturday 8 January 2011

Film Posters

The main purpose of a film poster to advertise a new film that is coming out and to create hype for the film. To gain as much exposure as possible these posters will be laid out in places where as many people as possible will see them, for example posters will be put on big billboards at the sides of roads, on the underground and in bus shelters.

This poster for Shaun Of The Dead was placed specificaly on the underground to appeal to the people taking the underground. There are usualy different posters made up to appeal to different audiences.

This district 9 poster was put across bus stops. The public will realise this is obviously for a film and will use the call to action at the bottom of the poster to find out more about these films.

This jaws poster is arguably one of the most famous and recognisable film posters. This poster is from 1975 and only shows iconic scenes from the movie, more modern posters have an iconic image plus credits,names of actors and of the director. This poster makes the themes very obvious as we see it's most likely going to be a thriller/horror about shark attacks. Film poster will use the code of using an iconic picture from the film.

This poster for the film Wanted is a perfect example of a modern film
poster. It features a billing block,call to action, names of all the lead roles, a release date and an iconic picture of the film. From this poster you can clearly see the genre of the film will be an action film through the main focus of the poster being the gun held in the main characters hand. We see the co-star in the background holding a pair of guns as if he is about to shoot. The background is of the sky but it is almost a golden colour which could suggest the film could have some kind of a religous theme.

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