Tuesday 1 February 2011

Script Planning

Scene 1 Ext Bus Stop Day

Voice over: I've never been that confident when it came to talking to girls always sitting quietly at the Bus Stop, see that boy sitting at the Bus Stop? Well thats me a long time ago during my awkward days.

Dave - Sitting down at Bus Stop

Kate - Walks by 

Dave - Sees her walk towards him and stands by the Bus Stop post

Kate - Turns around

Dave - Looks away and stares at a different location

Kate - Gets on the Bus

Scene 2 Ext Bus Stop Day 

Voice over: The next day I saw her again tried to talk to her... but that didn't turn out so well...

Dave - Tries to speak to her but finds it hard whilst being nervous
             Dave: " Hey...uh...my na..(pushed around by surrounding people at bus stop)

Kate - Ignores him

Dave - Gets knocked over by passers by who are trying to get on the bus

Scene 3 Ext Bus Stop Day

Dave - Tries to speak to her again
             Dave: Hi, you alright I'm Dave

Kate - Completely ignores him and takes the bus 

Dave - Monologuing towards himself 
Voice over: Guess she didn't hear me, gotta do something to get her attention. 

Scene 4 Ext Bus Stop Day

Dave- Brings in flowers and walks towards her until a Bee flies in

Dave - Swings flowers trying to hit the Bee, but hits parts of the Bus Stop 

Dave - Accidentally hits another guy in the face/head

Stranger - Stands up and looks intimidating towards Dave

Dave - Runs off while being chased by the stranger 
Voice over: Why does this sort of thing happen to ME!?!

Scene 5 Ext Bus Stop Day 

Voice over: Right if this doesn't work, then I got nothing else left...
Dave -Walks up to her and taps her on the shoulder 

Kate - Turns around and looks at him surprised 
            Dave: I made this for you 

Dave - Hands her a mix tape

Kate - Looks at it confused and makes several gestures with her hands 
            Kate (sign language): What is this? Is this a joke?

Dave - Realizing she is deaf he tries to say something until he notices the stranger from before
            Voice over:...Aww crap...

Stranger - Walks up and makes gestures towards Kate
                    Stranger (sign language): Who is this fool?

Dave - Realizes the stranger is her boyfriend, walks away feeling sad and embarassed with                        himself
             Voice over:... guess she's taken...

Dave - Sits down at the same spot in the Bus Stop in Scene 1 looking sad

New Girl - Comes in to view of camera and sits next to him looking friendly with a smile 
                    New Girl - Hi I'm new here
                    Dave:...uh... hey

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