Friday 18 February 2011

Film Poster Design

We decided to go for a film poster that is based on the main set of our short film which is at a Bus Stop. We decided that the poster should contain images that the audience would recognise such as for example key props that would be used in our film such as the flowers. We also wanted to link it with the audience by adding material that relates to what they have already seen and do, such as school books. 

Tuesday 8 February 2011


Below is our storyboard plan for our film which will be set around a Bus Stop near our school, several other locations that we will be recording our film in are the surrounding areas around the Bus Stop. Which won't be getting as much screen time as the main location since our short will be set around this Bus Stop.

justin storyboard

Friday 4 February 2011

Casting and Location Reccies

Sean Plummer-this is a friend from school who has agreed to play the boyfriend of the main 
character, this character will also be deaf.

Kate Blythe-she is also a friend from school who will be playing the main characters fantasy girl who is also deaf.

We are still waiting for a reply from another friend who is undecided on if they can play the lead role of the typical 'geek'.

Location Reccies

This is a picture from google maps of the bus stop we are planning to use for our filming. It is just outside school so traveling obviously is not going to be an issue. The only problem is that we plan to film during lunch times as our timetables clash and it is the easiest time to film. the problem with at weekends is the costumes as the costumes are going to be school uniforms and there is no place to change.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Script Planning

Scene 1 Ext Bus Stop Day

Voice over: I've never been that confident when it came to talking to girls always sitting quietly at the Bus Stop, see that boy sitting at the Bus Stop? Well thats me a long time ago during my awkward days.

Dave - Sitting down at Bus Stop

Kate - Walks by 

Dave - Sees her walk towards him and stands by the Bus Stop post

Kate - Turns around

Dave - Looks away and stares at a different location

Kate - Gets on the Bus

Scene 2 Ext Bus Stop Day 

Voice over: The next day I saw her again tried to talk to her... but that didn't turn out so well...

Dave - Tries to speak to her but finds it hard whilst being nervous
             Dave: " na..(pushed around by surrounding people at bus stop)

Kate - Ignores him

Dave - Gets knocked over by passers by who are trying to get on the bus

Scene 3 Ext Bus Stop Day

Dave - Tries to speak to her again
             Dave: Hi, you alright I'm Dave

Kate - Completely ignores him and takes the bus 

Dave - Monologuing towards himself 
Voice over: Guess she didn't hear me, gotta do something to get her attention. 

Scene 4 Ext Bus Stop Day

Dave- Brings in flowers and walks towards her until a Bee flies in

Dave - Swings flowers trying to hit the Bee, but hits parts of the Bus Stop 

Dave - Accidentally hits another guy in the face/head

Stranger - Stands up and looks intimidating towards Dave

Dave - Runs off while being chased by the stranger 
Voice over: Why does this sort of thing happen to ME!?!

Scene 5 Ext Bus Stop Day 

Voice over: Right if this doesn't work, then I got nothing else left...
Dave -Walks up to her and taps her on the shoulder 

Kate - Turns around and looks at him surprised 
            Dave: I made this for you 

Dave - Hands her a mix tape

Kate - Looks at it confused and makes several gestures with her hands 
            Kate (sign language): What is this? Is this a joke?

Dave - Realizing she is deaf he tries to say something until he notices the stranger from before
            Voice over:...Aww crap...

Stranger - Walks up and makes gestures towards Kate
                    Stranger (sign language): Who is this fool?

Dave - Realizes the stranger is her boyfriend, walks away feeling sad and embarassed with                        himself
             Voice over:... guess she's taken...

Dave - Sits down at the same spot in the Bus Stop in Scene 1 looking sad

New Girl - Comes in to view of camera and sits next to him looking friendly with a smile 
                    New Girl - Hi I'm new here
                    Dave:...uh... hey

Synopsis Commentary

Our group started with many different ideas for the short film, all of which revolved around violence. We had ideas about a night out drinking turns bad or to have some dystopian future where white people were the minority group and people were highly racist towards them. We realised these ideas would be highly complicated to film so we decided to go along the lines of a light hearted film. We thought doing a romantic comedy would be a good way to go because the british film industry is well known for its romantic comedies and we thought it would be simple to film.
We came up with the idea of a teenage boy who was typicaly awkward and not very good when it came to talking to girls. The main inspiration for this film was a short film we watched a film as a class called 'Veronique'. 
Our film follows 5 days where the main charcter is trying to get a girl to notice him but is unsuccessful. He tries many things but cant seem to get through to her, the reason for this turns out to be because the girl is deaf and has been completely unaware of what he has been trying to do. The reason why we chose to do a film like this is because we thought the idea would be a bit different and would make our film stand out a bit more. The purpose of this film is to try and take a different look at the normal british romantic comedy and give it a small twist.